At this Zoom event Dr Todd Conklin will discuss five key lessons Coivd-19 has reinforced for us about building adaptive, resilient businesses.
The businesses doing best during Covid-19 are the ones that had previously invested in building capacity that enabled them to be adaptive and resilient, Dr Conklin says. At this presentation he will outline five key issues leaders need to think about when deciding how this investment in building capacity should be directed.
This Zoom session will involve a mix of presentation by Dr Conklin and discussion among participants using break-out rooms. This will enable participants to share experiences and lessons.
Dr Todd Conklin is an engaging and thought-provoking speaker and his previous presentations at Forum events have been very well received. See a sample of his work here.
About Dr Todd Conklin
Dr Todd Conklin is an internationally recognised Organisational Psychologist and Health and Safety expert. He spent 25 years at Los Alamos National Laboratory, one of the world's foremost research and development laboratories, as a Senior Advisor for Organisational and Safety Culture. He holds a Ph.D. in organisational behavior from the University of New Mexico. He speaks all over the world to executives and business group. He has written several books and also runs the popular PreAccident Investigation podcast. Dr Conklin has spoken at Forum events in previous years and you can see more about him on the Forum website.