Below are Forum resources and activities for CEOs and Managing Directors. Some of these resoruces will help CEOs develop their own leadership of health and safety. Others can be used by CEOs with their directors, leadership teams and key contractors, and aim to help the organisation lift health and safety performance.
Selected resources
Managing Critical Risks
After a long period where injury rates were declining, Fulton Hogan suffered five fatalities over two years. This rocked the company to its core.
Protecting mental wellbeing at work
Helps CEOs design 'good work' to protect workers from risks to mental wellbeing that arise at work.
Upcoming events
Mental wellbeing at work webinar series: Neurodive...
1 CPD pointsWith Dr Louise Cowpertwait, Founder and CEO of MindMatters Clinic
CEO Connection Calls – Being an effective Officer
1 CPD pointsCEO Connection Calls – Being an effective Officer