Tim Fleming

Tim Fleming

Laing O’Rourke Australia

Laing O’Rourke executive Tim Fleming explains why his company now focuses on controlling critical risks.

Watch the video and discuss the questions at the end of each chapter.

Tim tells the story of the day he found himself in a bizarre conversation about whether workers should be banned from walking backwards. The conversation was a ‘light-bulb’ moment for Laing O’Rourke.

It led to the company making a bold decision to drop its goal of trying to prevent all injuries, and to instead focus on managing its critical risks. The video summarises Tim’s presentation at the Forum’s October 2017 Summit.

It is designed as a workshop resource CEOs and senior executives can use to support conversations with directors and leadership teams. 

Watch: Critical Risks and Empowering Workers to Manage Them (2018)

“Do your performance measures focus enough attention on fatal risks versus lower-order injuries?”