1 CPD Points

Mental wellbeing at work in the current economic environment


With Dr Dougal Sutherland, CEO of Umbrella, and Gerard Vaughan, Project Manager of Farmstrong

24 September, 10:30am - 11:30am
via Zoom

As economic conditions continue to tighten and organisations have already made, or are continuing to make tough decisions around redundancies, capacity issues and budgets, we know many leaders and teams are dealing with some very real issues affecting mental wellbeing at work.

Some of these challenges such as survivor guilt, managing redundancies and workload issues with reduced staff are new challenges for many leaders.

Dougal and Gerard will talk through the challenges they’re seeing in organisations and teams right now, and provide some advice and suggestions for leaders, to help you support the mental wellbeing of your people and yourselves while navigating this current economic environment.

Mental wellbeing at work: series with leading international and NZ experts

We know mental wellbeing at work and the range of challenges it brings is on many of your minds, and it is often seen as all-encompassing or overwhelming for leaders. The Forum is bringing you a six-part virtual series this year to support you, and your teams with this work.

Many organisations continue to focus on supporting their people without considering how the work environment may be affecting them. If we think about the workplace as an aquarium, and the workers as fish – we’re still seeing too many organisations scooping out sick fish, and simply putting new fish back into the same aquarium.

Since 2018 the Forum has worked to reshape the conversation about mental wellbeing at work from one solely focusing on the mental wellbeing of the worker to one also looking at mentally healthy work and its design, with a number of resources for senior leaders and their teams.

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