CEO case studies
Leadership mindsets
Frameworks and tools 
International and national expert advice

Our supply chain resources are below. Take a look to learn more. 

Supply chain leadership at Clarus and Whitaker Civil Engineering

CEO video case study: Watch how Clarus (formally First Gas) changed its approach to supply chain leadership, from "one night stands" to a more long-term, enduring relationship.

Working with supply chain partners for success

CEO video case study: Watch how Z Energy worked with its supply chain partners to manage operational risks to align its approach with 'overlapping PCBU duties' in the Health and Safety at Work Act, and also improve contractor relationships and ensure better use of resources.


Contractor success at Transpower

CEO video case study: When Transpower looked into the poor safety performance of its tower painting contractors it realised it was part of the problem. Watch this video case study about how the CEO and senior leadership team changed the approach to one based on respect, collaboration and building long-term relationships. 

Designing H&S with contractors

CEO video case study: After identifying issues with how Wellington Water was engaging with its contractors, former CEO Colin Crampton visited each contractor personally, and moved the organisation from a 'master-servant' model, to a 'peer-to-peer' model. Watch how he did it. 

Protecting contractors from unsafe expectations

CEO video case study: Vector CEO Simon McKenzie wanted to make sure contractors didn't feel pressured to work in dangerous conditions caused by floods or storms. So, the organisation came up with strategies to protect its contractors from public pressure to work when it wasn’t safe. Take a look here.